Trail Rules!

to keep things fun and safe for all, we have a few rules we ask visitors to follow:

~ Guests must be 8 years + to enter
~ Persons under 16 years must be accompanied by a responsible adult
~ All guests must sign in before entering trail
~ pets are not allowed in trail
~ No Smoking in Trail
~ No running or jumping in trail for safety reasons
~ Please wear practical, comfortable footwear and proceed carefully - this is a bush trail with some rough terrain and we are not responsible for injuries
~ Do not push, pull or shove anyone !
~ Do not touch any of the props or actors !
~ Please no littering!  wastebins are provided at start and end of trail to help keep things clean
~ Once you've entered the trail, you must keep going forward - do not turn back  - a "chicken exit" is provided halfway through for those who are too scared to continue; this is clearly marked
~ Flashlights and/or cell phone lights are not permitted - safety lighting is provided to find your way. (a quick camera flash for photos is ok )
~ You should not attempt this trail if you have a heart or mobility condition

~ And lastly, enjoy!!